EMSC-VESID Committee


Jean C. Stevens



Early Education for Student Achievement in a Global Community:  Monitoring Report on Status of  Implementation of 2006-2007 Dashboard Activities



February 1, 2007



Goals 1 and 2







Issue for Discussion


What is the status of implementation of the 2006-2007 dashboard activities for the Regents policy on Early Education for Student Achievement in a Global Community? 


Reason(s) for Consideration


          For information.


Proposed Handling


For discussion.


Procedural History


In March 2006, the Regents reviewed and approved the implementation plan for the Regents policy statement on Early Education for Student Achievement in a Global Community.  Department staff created a "dashboard" to guide and assess implementation of the policy's eleven critical components during the three-year phase in period for the action plan, beginning in 2006-2007. 




Background Information


The implementation dashboard for 2006-2007 includes activities aligned with nine of the eleven critical components comprising the Regents policy on early education.  The Regents policy on Early Education for Student Achievement in a Global Community was developed prior to P-16 Education: A Plan for Action.  To ensure that the early education policy and the 2006-2007 dashboard activities are consistent with the P-16 Education Plan for Action, Department staff have identified the areas of alignment between these two critical documents.


Early Education Policy Component

Supports P-16 Action

1 - Services for Children Birth to Age Two

2 - Establish Statewide Prekindergarten

3 - Change Compulsory School Age to


4 - Full Day Kindergarten

7 -  Family Partnerships

Action 1 - Promote a sustainable early

                education program for all



5 - Strengthen Prekindergarten - Grade 5


Action 6 - Align standard, assessments,

                curriculum and instruction

                across P-16, emphasizing


6 - Integrated Programs and Services

Action 2 - Improve academic outcomes for

                children with disabilities

Action 3 - Improve outcomes for English

                language learners

9 - Professional Preparation

Action 7 - Strengthen Instruction

11 - Fiscal Support

Action 1 - Promote a sustainable early

                education program

Action 2 - Improve academic outcomes for

                children with disabilities


The attached highlights key actions that have been completed or are underway. It is of significant importance that the Governor in his State of the State address and his speech on educational reform called for New York to make pre-kindergarten available to every four-year-old in New York within four years. 




Department staff recommend that the Regents identify any desired changes to the implementation plan.


Timetable for Implementation


Not applicable.

Early Education for Student Achievement in a Global Community

Monitoring Report on the 2006-2007 Dashboard for Implementation

February 2006


Activities Completed:


·       Worked to secure a $50 million increase in funding for Universal Pre-kindergarten programs in 2006-07, resulting in a 21 percent increase in students served.

·       Developed State Aid proposal for 2007-2008 that includes a request for an additional $106 million for the 2007-2008 school year.

·       Developed Board of Regents Federal Brochure that urges additional Federal support for prekindergarten programs.

·       Developed language to be incorporated in bills to amend current statute regarding compulsory school age and statewide implementation of full-day kindergarten and shared proposed language with legislative staff.

·       Developed a Guidebook for Instruction of LEP Students, which has been disseminated to the districts and schools, as a means to promote integrated service delivery.

·       Arranged for participation of 150 Special Education Technical Resource Center (SETRC) staff in the Reading Academy, marking the first time that SETRC trainers have been able to benefit from this professional development program.

·       Conducted three statewide meetings that explored interagency practices and identified gaps in services.

·       Facilitated regional networking meetings in six BOCES for the purpose of improving the identification, enrollment and academic support services for homeless students.


Activities in Process:


·       Finalizing a list of prospective members for the Early Education Policy Cabinet for consideration by members of the Board of Regents.  Cabinet will begin deliberations by the end of the school year.

·       Incorporating into the P-16 Action Plan (Action 6) review of content area standards for early education.  A team consisting of expert early childhood researchers and practitioners will guide the development of revised prekindergarten – grade 4 standards.

·       Collaborating with NYS Child Care Coordinating Council to develop Prekindergarten Standards based on current NYS Learning Standards.

·       Participating in collaborative effort with the Office of Children and Family Services and the Head Start Collaboration Project to increase the capacity of the State's child care and education system to promote the social-emotional development and early learning of all children, including those with disabilities.

·       Working with the Council on Children and Families to address the achievement gap by promoting and strengthening school district/Head Start collaborations in targeted high needs districts.

·       Surveying school districts and other states for model curriculum based parent training resources.  Incorporating implementation of curriculum based parent training strategies into the action plan for the Revised Regents Policy Statement on Parent and Family Partnerships.

·       Exploring creation of an Early Childhood website that would provide links to information on a variety of topics for both parents and early childhood providers and educators.

·       Continuing internal discussions regarding possible strategies for providing funding to support educating preschool children with disabilities in an integrated early childhood classroom.

·       The State Education Department is partnering with several New York City agencies and community-based organizations to convene an Obesity Prevention Summit  (Stepping Up For A Healthier Harlem:  An Obesity Prevention Summit) on April 18, 2007.  Participants will include members of the early childhood community, directors of early childhood programs, other educators, parents and health care providers.