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Report of Regents Higher Education Committee to The Board of Regents

Your Higher Education Committee held its scheduled meeting on April 4, 2017.  All members were present except Regent Norwood who was absent and excused.

Matters Not Requiring Board Action:

Explore Options to Establish a Computer Science Teaching Certificate.  Representatives from Hunter College presented their ideas on the educational program requirements and pathways to establish a new computer science teaching certificate title.  HE (D) 1

Proposed Amendment to Add a New Section 80-5.23 to the Regulations of the Commissioner of Education to Establish a Residency Certificate for Students Enrolled in a Classroom Academy Residency Pilot Program.  Department staff presented a proposed amendment to Part 80 which adds a new Subpart to establish a Residency Certificate for candidates accepted and enrolled in the two year, full-time placement as a part of the Classroom Academy Residency Pilot Program under the SUNY program. The certificate will be valid for up to three years and will be considered equivalent to one year of teaching experience for candidates who successfully complete the program. The proposed amendment will be before the Board for action at the July 2017 meeting. HE (D) 2

Consent Agenda

The Board of Regents acted on the following consent agenda items at their April 4, 2017 meeting.

Proposed Amendment of Sections 80-1.8 and 80-5.18 of the Commissioner’s Regulations Related to the Requirements for the Reissuance of an Expired Initial Certificate and Requirements for a Supplementary Certificate. Amendments to the requirements for a re-issuance of an expired initial certificate to allow eligible candidates the opportunity to complete the 75 hours of acceptable professional development and to receive a passing score on the required Content Specialty Test within a year before or after application for the re-issuance. This amendment allows increased flexibility to candidates seeking certification. BR (CA) 1

Associated Agenda Item

Meeting Date: 
Tuesday, April 4, 2017 - 9:45am
