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Report of Regents Higher Education Committee to The Board of Regents

Your Higher Education Committee held its scheduled meeting on February 12, 2013.

Action Items

The 2012-2020 Statewide Plan for Higher Education.  Your Committee reviewed the final draft of the Statewide Plan for Higher Education.  Staff provided a summary of the key points of the two public hearings held, the comments received from the Board, and the additions and/or changes made as a result of this input.  Your Committee recommends the Board approve the 2012-2020 Statewide Plan for Higher Education.


Madam Chancellor and Colleagues:  Your Higher Education Committee recommends, and we move, that the Board of Regents act affirmatively upon each recommendation in the written report of the Committee’s deliberations at its meeting on February 12, 2013, copies of which have been distributed to each member of the Board of Regents.

Other matters not requiring action:

Proposed amendments to Section 52.21 and Part 80 and the addition of a new Subpart 57-4.  Your Committee discussed proposed amendments related to requirements for coursework or training in harassment, bullying and discrimination prevention and intervention as prescribed by the Dignity for All Students Act.  We anticipate that the regulations will be brought to this Committee for approval at the May 2013 meeting.

Update on Educating All Students Certification Examination.  The Committee received an update on the EAS assessment which will test the knowledge of candidates who wish to be certified as teachers or school building leaders in NYS.  The framework for the Educating All Students test addresses five competencies: Diverse Student Populations, English Language Learners, Students with Disabilities and Other Special Learning Needs, Teacher Responsibilities, and School-Home Relationships. The exam also focuses on effective strategies for promoting positive home-school relationships.

Associated Agenda Item

Meeting Date: 
Tuesday, February 12, 2013 - 9:30am
