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Meeting of the Board of Regents | May 2009

Tuesday, May 5, 2009 - 8:30am

Annual Estimates of Individuals to be Served and Costs of Service:  Attachment 4.11(b)


VESID expects that during the Federal Fiscal Year 2010, fiscal and personnel resources will be sufficient to serve all eligible persons who apply for services.  This expectation is based on VESID’s projections of federal and State funding, referral levels, eligibility rates, service needs including persons with significant disabilities and staffing plans.  In meeting this expectation, VESID affirms that it will:


  • continue to provide a full range of services to all persons currently receiving services;


  • provide assessment services to all persons expected to apply next fiscal year;


  • serve all persons expected to be determined eligible next year; and,


  • meet all statutory program requirements.


Estimates of the Number of Individuals in the State who are Eligible for VR Services and the Number of Eligible Individuals who will Receive VR Services


As required in 34 CFR 361.29(b)(1), VESID estimates that during the 2010 Federal Fiscal Year, 39,400 individuals with disabilities will be found eligible for VESID services. This number is based on activity trends from FFY 2004 through FFY 2008 and reflects an increase when compared to previous years.  Based on historical data reported to the Rehabilitation Services Administration, VESID estimates that, under Title I, it will serve 94,000 individuals (based on the five year trend data), at a total estimated cost of $246.1 million.  This figure is based exclusively on trend data for five years, as reported to RSA.  Based on the available trend data, the FFY 2009 State Plan estimated that 83,200 individuals would be served.  By the end of FFY 2008, however, VESID had actually served more than 100,460 individuals.  As applications increase due to expanding transition activities, VESID expects to serve more individuals than projected in the FFY 2009 State Plan.  It is also likely that VESID will substantially exceed the data trend projection for FFY 2010.


As required in 34 CFR 361.29(b)(2), VESID estimates that, under Title I and Title VI part B, of the estimated 94,000 individuals to be served during FFY 2010, approximately 14,800 individuals will be receiving supported employment services.  All of these individuals receiving supported employment services will be served using a combination of Title VI part B funds and State funds.