Meeting of the Board of Regents | April 2008
TO: |
Johanna Duncan-Poitier |
Strategic Data Release Calendar |
April 7, 2008 |
Goals 1, 2 and 4 |
Issue for Discussion
The Department’s procedures for the release of data on student performance and teacher quality.
Reason(s) for Consideration
For Information
Proposed Handling
This information will be shared and discussed with the Regents EMSC Committee in April.
Procedural History
Background Information
At the February meeting of the Board of Regents, members raised questions regarding our plan to release the results of the grades 3-8 ELA and mathematics assessments in June of this year. In addition, to be responsive to feedback from the education community we are considering significant changes to the way in which we schedule and carry out public data releases and wanted to update the Board on our thinking on this issue.
This item will provide the Board with information on our discussions of streamlining the number of major data releases in 2008-09, while meeting our regulatory requirements, commitment to transparency and disclosure of critical data.
Timetable for Implementation
Strategic Data Releases
During the 2006-07 school year, there were 15 different releases of data and media events regarding school performance, including the performance of students with disabilities.
Data Releases During 2006-07 |
August 2006 |
Persistently Dangerous Schools |
September 2006 |
High School Accountability Status |
September 2006 |
2006 Grades 3-8 English Language Arts results |
October 2006 |
Districts In Need of Assistance or Intervention – Students with Disabilities (Based on 2004-05 school year data) |
October 2006 |
2006 Grades 3-8 Mathematics results |
January 2007 |
Highly Qualified Teacher Data |
January 2007 |
Elementary/Middle School and District Accountability Status |
March 2007 |
SURR Schools |
April 2007 |
High School Graduation Rates |
May 2007 |
School Report Cards |
May 2007 |
2007 Grades 3-8 ELA Results |
May 2007 |
High Performing / Gap Closing Schools |
June 2007 |
State vs. NAEP Comparisons |
June 2007 |
2007 Grades 3-8 Mathematics Results |
June 2007 |
Districts In Need of Assistance or Intervention – Students with Disabilities (Based on 2005-06 school year data) |
By the time the current school year ends there will have been a total of 15 if we follow our current plan, or fewer if we combine some related releases.
Data Releases During 2007-08 |
August 2007 |
Persistently Dangerous Schools; School Violence Index |
December 2007 |
Elementary/Middle School Accountability Status |
December 2007 |
School District Special Education Data Profiles (2005-06 school year data) |
February 2008 |
SURR Schools |
March 2008 |
High School and District Accountability Status |
April 2008 |
School Report Cards Part I (release to districts for voters) |
April 2008 |
High Performing Schools and Districts |
April 2008 |
Highly Qualified Teachers |
June 2008 |
Graduation Rate / Total Cohort |
June 2008 |
School Report Cards Part II |
June 2008 |
Grades 3-8 ELA and Math Results |
June 2008 |
Districts In Need of Assistance or Intervention – Students with Disabilities (Based on 2006-07 school year data) |
June 2008 |
School District Special Education Data Profiles (2006-07 school year data) |
June 2008 |
SAVE Report |
For 2008-09, however, we are now looking very carefully at each of the data releases to create a more strategic plan for the release of data that is not only based on the availability of data but also what will be helpful to school instruction. This may entail the combination of releases of accountability data. For example, for the past several years the information on elementary, middle and secondary assessments has been reported separately. We believe that streamlining of the data releases will provide administrators, teachers, policymakers and the public with the information they need while not overwhelming everyone and allowing for more time for analysis and discussion of the data being released. Our first draft of such a strategic plan, which will be shared with the field for review and feedback, is provided below for your information. Once we have received all field comments, we will revise accordingly and bring the calendar back to the Board for approval.
Please note:
Our ability to make our data releases timelier and more strategic is dependent on a number of factors, not the least of which is the underlying data collection and reporting system. The funding to create the individual student data system has been limited and, therefore it has taken several years to put it into operation, and results have been mixed. In addition, the transition of data collection from the old method to the new individual student data system has been complex and difficult for districts, RICs, SED and Grow, leading to delays in implementation. During the past several months, we have taken major actions to address this situation:
- In addition to speaking with hundreds of people in the field, we have formed an advisory group of system users to make recommendations for change, and we are beginning to put these into effect. However, the improvements being considered are not inexpensive and their cost must be weighed against Department resources and other priorities.
- We have identified and hired an expert consulting firm that has improved systems like this nationwide, and
- We are in the process of filling key leadership vacancies in the Department unit that administers the data system.
If we are able to make the improvements identified through our own analysis and that of outside experts, and if we are able to fill the key vacancies, we are confident that we will be able to move forward with a more strategic and efficient data release schedule.
Proposed Data Releases During 2008-09 |
August 2008 |
Persistently Dangerous Schools; School Violence Index |
October 2008 |
School and District Accountability Status |
December 2008 |
SURR Schools |
January 2009 |
SAVE Report |
February 2009 |
Graduation Rate / Total Cohort |
March or April 2009* (single release)
School Report Cards |
Highly Qualified Teachers |
Districts In Need of Assistance or Intervention – Students with Disabilities (Based on 2007-08 school year data) |
School District Special Education Data Profiles (2007-2008 school year data) |
May 2009 |
Grades 3-8 ELA Results |
June 2009 |
Grades 3-8 Math Results |
*specific month to be determined
Note: The above proposed schedule reflects only accountability data releases. These are the data releases mentioned most often by school and district administrators when they have raised the issue of consolidating releases. Other data releases, i.e., high performing schools and districts, will also be made periodically throughout the year as the relevant data becomes available.
Suggested Framework for an Annual Data Release Schedule
The draft schedule above reflects recommendations received to date. Our final proposal, which we hope to bring to the Board in June, would adhere to the following principles:
- Be announced for a year in advance and would include dates for the reporting of valid and reliable data by the school districts and for reporting by the State Education Department.
- Reflect the intended use of the data. For example, data expected to inform curriculum choices and professional development would have to be available when schools can focus on this.
- Allow sufficient time for the Regents to review the data prior to release so they can prepare policy actions.
- Reflect the suggestions of members of the public, the policy community, and educators.
- Combine related data releases to avoid numerous, distracting data reports during the year.