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Report of Regents Higher Education Committee to The Board of Regents

Regents Committee on Higher Education Members

Regent Collins, Co-Chair, Regent Rivera, Co-Chair, Vice Chancellor Chin, Regent Norwood, Regent Wills, Regent Ferrer, Regent Catania, Regent Hale, and Regent Pratts.

The Higher Education Committee held its scheduled meeting on February 10, 2024. All members were present except Regent Catherine Collins who was excused. Regent Christine D. Cea, Regent Susan W. Mittler, Regent Shino Tanikawa, and Regent Patrick A. Mannion also attended the meeting but did not vote on any action.


Proposed Amendment of Subdivision 100.2 (dd) of the Regulations of the Commissioner of Education Relating to Professional Learning Plans [HE (D) 1 - REVISED] - Department staff presented proposed amendments to section 100.2 (dd) to the Commissioner’s regulations to require that school districts and BOCES include professional learning opportunities aligned to culturally responsive-sustaining education practices and pedagogy in their professional learning plans.

Statewide Plan for Higher Education Update - Department staff provided an update on the Statewide Plan and the first meeting of the Advisory Council.

Deputy Commissioner William Murphy reviewed the items on the Consent Agenda.

Associated Agenda Item

Meeting Date: 
Monday, February 10, 2025 - 1:10pm
