Report of Regents Professional Practice Committee to The Board of Regents
Regents Committee on Professional Practice
Regent Norwood, Chair, Regent Cea, Regent Collins, Regent Reyes, Regent Wills, Regent Catania, Regent Hale, Regent Pratts, and Regent Mannion.
The Professional Practice Committee held its scheduled meeting on January 14, 2025. All members were present except for Regent Catherine Collins, who was excused.
Chancellor Lester W. Young, Jr., Vice Chancellor Judith Chin, Regent Roger Tilles, and Regent Susan W. Mittler also attended the meeting, but did not vote on any action. Regent Seema Rivera also attended the meeting by video conference but did not vote on any action.
Professional Discipline Cases [PPC EXS (A) 2 – 3]
The Committee recommends, upon the recommendation of the Committee on the Professions, that 27 consent order applications and 6 surrender applications be granted.
These recommendations are made following the review of 33 cases involving eight registered professional nurses, five certified public accountants, four licensed practical nurses, three licensed master social workers, two licensed practical nurses who are also registered professional nurses, two pharmacists, one architect, one chiropractor, one dentist, one massage therapist, one psychologist, one CPA professional service corporation, and one certified public accountancy sole proprietorship.
Restoration [PPC EXS (A) 4]
The Committee recommends that the application of Denise Anne Marie Tripodi for the restoration of her licenses to practice as a registered professional nurse and licensed practical nurse in New York State be denied.
The Professional Practice Committee recommends, and we move, that the Board of Regents act affirmatively upon each recommendation in the written report of the Committee's deliberations at its meeting on January 14, 2025, copies of which have been distributed to each Regent.
Overview of the Public Accountancy Profession - Department staff provided an overview of the public accountancy profession including, among other things, a discussion of the State Board of Public Accountancy and the work of its members and Board Office staff, the Peer Review Oversight Committee, the Mandatory Peer Review Program for public accounting firms, licensure requirements, disciplinary areas, scope of practice, coordination amongst various internal and external stakeholders, and an update on the implementation of the changes to professional education requirements for licensure.
Deputy Commissioner David Hamilton reviewed the items on the Consent Agenda.