Report of Regents Audits/Budget and Finance Committee to The Board of Regents
Regents Committee on Audits/Budget and Finance Members
Regent Mannion, Chair, Regent Collins, Regent Mittler, Regent Tanikawa, and Regent Rivera.
The Audits/Budget/Finance Committee held its scheduled meeting on January 13, 2025. All members were present except for Regent Catherine Collins, who was excused. Regent Seema Rivera participated remotely.
Chancellor Lester W. Young, Jr., Vice Chancellor Judith Chin, Regents Roger Tilles, Christine D. Cea, Wade S. Norwood, Frances G. Wills, Roger P. Catania, Adrian I. Hale, and Hasoni L. Pratts also attended the meeting.
Chronic Absenteeism: Framing the Issue and Strategies for Student Engagement - Department staff discussed the recent Comptroller’s audit regarding Chronic Absenteeism and discussed strategies the Department and districts across New York are employing to address these findings.