Report of Regents P-12 Education Committee to The Board of Regents
The P-12 Education Committee held its scheduled meeting on January 9, 2023. All members were present. Chancellor Young, Regent Hakanson and Regent Reyes also attended the meeting but did not vote on the action item.
Proposed Amendment of Sections 200.1(x) and 200.5 of the Regulations of the Commissioner of Education Relating to Special Education Due Process System Procedures [P12 (A) 1- REVISED] - Department staff presented proposed amendments to the Commissioner’s regulations relating to permitting an administrative tribunal in New York City to promulgate regulations related to special education due process hearings.
The motion passed unanimously.
The P-12 Education Committee recommends, and we move, that the Board of Regents act affirmatively upon each recommendation in the written report of the Committee's deliberations at its meeting on January 10, 2023, copies of which have been distributed to each Regent.
Recommendations for Reducing Disparities in and Reforming School Discipline in New York State Report from the Safe Schools Task Force - Department staff and guests provided an overview of the Safe Schools Task Force Report, “Recommendations for Reducing Disparities In and Reforming School Discipline in New York State.” The report includes recommendations related to training and preparation of school personnel, changes in practice, codes of conduct and data collection and analysis. The presentation included an overview of research and New York State data regarding discipline.
Rethink Grant Update: Teaching in Remote/Hybrid Learning Environments (TRLE) - Department staff presented an update on the technical assistance and professional learning opportunities being provided to the field through TRLE grant activities. Project deliverables, outcomes, and next steps were discussed.
Deputy Commissioner Angelique Johnson-Dingle reviewed the items on the Consent Agenda.