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Report of Regents P-12 Education Committee to The Board of Regents

The P-12 Education Committee held its scheduled meeting on November 14, 2022. All members were present. Chancellor Young, and Regent Collins, Regent Hakanson and Regent Reyes also attended the meeting.   


Educational Opportunity Project Partnership Presentation - Department staff and researchers from Stanford University’s Educational Opportunity Project presented information on their partnership to construct measures of equity and identify which opportunities to learn are most impactful on outcomes, in support of a new paradigm of shared accountability and responsibility.  

Social Emotional Learning Benchmarks Presentation - Department staff and experts from the field presented information on the Department’s updated Social Emotional Learning Benchmarks (SEL) and how they support students across New York State and will advance equity and access for all.  

Update on the Arts and the Individual Arts Assessment Pathway - Department staff presented an update on arts education, including the Individual Arts Assessment Graduation Pathway pilot program and collaborations between the Office of P-12 Instructional Support and the Office of Cultural Education. 

Deputy Commissioner Angelique Johnson-Dingle reviewed the items on the Consent Agenda.

Associated Agenda Item

Meeting Date: 
Monday, November 14, 2022 - 11:25am
