Meeting of the Board of Regents | October 2010
Cultural Education Committee
October 19, 2010
Time: 10:45 a.m. – 11:30 a.m.
Location: Seminar Room, 5th Floor EB
Regent Roger Tilles, Chair of the Cultural Education Committee, submitted the following written report.
Your Committee on Cultural Education Committee had its scheduled meeting on October 19, 2010.
Committee members: Regents Tilles, Brooks-Hopkins, Dawson, Bendit, Rosa
In attendance were: Regents Tilles, Brooks-Hopkins, Dawson, Bendit and Rosa
Absent: none
In addition to CE Committee Members, in attendance were: Chancellor Tisch, Commissioner Steiner, Senior Deputy King and Chief Operating Officer Valerie Grey.
Chair’s Remarks: Regent Tilles welcomed everyone and opened the meeting. Regent Tilles noted that Carole Huxley will lead an ad-hoc work group to solicit input from the Museum community regarding Regents Regulations regarding deaccessioning.
Regent Tilles also reported on a brief meeting that he participated in on October 18 with members of the Museum Association of New York where they discussed opportunities for greater communication and collaboration with the Museum community.
Deputy’s Report: Deputy Commissioner Jeffrey Cannell greeted everyone and briefly reviewed a number of recent accomplishments including the opening of the State Archives and State Library on Saturday, October 16th, representing the first Saturday opening since 1973. Deputy Cannell also noted the number of events at local libraries celebrating receipt of funds from the $9 million Broadband Technology Opportunities (BTOP) Grant that was received by the Department earlier this year. Finally, Deputy Cannell noted the upcoming meeting of representatives of former Dutch colonies to be held in Albany on November 1-3 to discuss digitization of colonial documents as part of the Mutual Cultural Heritage Program that is funded by the Dutch National Archives.
CE (D) 1 – Proposed Regulation and Assessment Relating to Reference and Research Library Resources Systems
Maribeth Krupczak, Library Development Specialist, provided, at the September CE Committee meeting, brief background information and presented the proposed changes to CR 90.5 including "terms" for discussion. The proposed changes and "terms" were discussed and put forth with recommendation for adoption at the October Regents meeting, with an effective date of November 10, 2010 and are intended to bring the Commissioner’s regulations in compliance with Education Law.
Motion to
Motion by: Regent Brooks-Hopkins
Seconded by: Regent Dawson
Action: Unanimously carried
CE (D) 2 – Overview of OCE’s Fiscal Situation
Deputy Commissioner Jeffrey Cannell presented the report on the current fiscal situation faced by the Office of Cultural Education and submitted it to the Committee members for discussion. The committee discussed many options and suggested development of a comprehensive proposal that shows the range of efforts to improve capacity, diversify revenue sources and change the way Cultural Education delivers its programs and services.
Following the presentation on OCE’s fiscal situation, the committee had extensive discussions about opportunities to improve arts education and more closely integrate the arts and cultural institution community with arts education in schools. Senior Deputy King and Deputy Cannell will work together to present the committee with materials for further discussion and possible action
Meeting adjourned.