Meeting of the Board of Regents | November 2010
Report of the
The Board of Regents
November 16, 2010
Your College and Career Readiness Working Group held its scheduled meeting on November 15, 2010. All Working Group members were present, except for Regent Rosa, who was excused.
College and Career Readiness Discussion – Michael Cohen, President of Achieve, Inc. and Allison G. Jones, Senior Fellow for Postsecondary Engagement at Achieve (formerly the Assistant Vice Chancellor of Academic Affairs at The California State University) presented national data on college and career readiness, including supporting data showing that too many students graduate from high school unprepared for college and careers. Michael Cohen discussed several key problems for the Board to think about including issues relating to college-ready cut scores on state assessments, accountability, graduation requirements and Career and Technical Education. Allison Jones talked about the Early Assessment Program (EAP) used in California which is designed to assess college readiness at the end of 11th grade, and for students not yet college ready, encourages them to use their senior year more effectively by taking a 12th grade math course and an Expository Reading/Writing class. The Expository Reading/Writing class fulfills the English requirement for college readiness.
Reporting of College- and Career-Ready High School Graduation Rates – Part II: Planning for the Transition – The Committee discussed a proposed timeline for release of college and career ready graduation rates for all schools and districts based on the percentage of graduates passing the English language arts Regents examination with a score of at least 75 percent and a mathematics Regents examination with a score of 80 percent. Between now and March, regional conversations will take place on college and career readiness policy options via regional forums, panel discussions and a statewide survey. Feedback from these conversations will be considered and possible revisions made to graduation requirements. Staff will come back to the College and Career Readiness Working Group in March 2011 with recommendations. If directed by the Regents, staff will publicize the graduation rate in March 2011.