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Meeting of the Board of Regents | May 2010

Saturday, May 1, 2010 - 11:20pm

Report of the



The Board of Regents

              Your College and Career Readiness Work Group held its scheduled meeting on April 20, 2010.  All Work Group members were present, except for Regents Tilles and Rosa, who were excused.



Data Discussions – the Work Group was presented with updated information on P-12, Higher Education and national data. Alan Ray presented an analysis of Regents exam performance for the 2001-2005 cohorts and projections for the 2005-2008 cohorts. Joe Frey presented information on Trends in Demographics, College Enrollment and Remediation and Laura Smith presented research from the New York Comprehensive Center on high school examination systems in other states and countries.


  • The Work Group asked for disaggregated Regents exam data to include race, ethnicity, gender, ELL, rural/urban, big city/small city, etc. They would also like the same disaggregated information for the general education population and the special education population.  Due to the large quantity of information requested, staff will provide the disaggregated data in stages and will send to the Regents as it is available. 


  • The Work Group asked for additional information on course requirements and exam requirements in Tennessee and Delaware. 


National Center on Education and the Economy’s Board Examinations Model – The National Center on Education and the Economy, led by Marc Tucker, is assembling a consortium of states to implement a board examination system on a demonstration basis.  Selected high schools would offer board examinations at the end of 10th grade, and students who pass (at what we anticipate would be a higher level achievement than the current Regents exam threshold) would have the option of either beginning community college courses or pursuing upper-level high school studies in the Advanced Placement, International Baccalaureate, or similar college-prep program.  Students who do not pass the board examinations at the end of 10th grade would continue in a regular high school program and have the opportunity to retake the exams in 11th and 12th grade.






Higher Education Panel Discussion on College Readiness Challenges in New York State – A Higher Education Panel consisting of representatives from all four sectors of Higher Education (SUNY, CUNY, Independent Colleges and Proprietary Colleges) were present to discuss College Readiness Challenges in New York State. 


  • Dr. David Lavallee, Interim Provost & Senior Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs -  State University of New York (SUNY)
  • Dr. Lucinda Zoe, Interim Provost and Vice-President of Academic Affairs, Hostos Community College (CUNY)
  • Dr. R. Mark Sullivan, President, The College of Saint Rose
  • Dr. Donald Simon, Vice President for Governmental Relations, Monroe College


The panel provided input and answered questions relating to New York State’s high school graduates and how well they are prepared for college.  There was consensus that too many New York State students are lacking critical thinking, written expression, and problem-solving skills.  Students need more work in these non-academic areas and also in time management and study skills.  The panel discussed how college remedial courses are unsuccessful if the student is not college-ready and that 75 percent of students entering the CUNY Community College system need remediation.  A suggestion was made to bring together high school teachers and college faculty to discuss these concerns.  A structure will be put in place to allow continuing conversations to take place on these and other important issues relating to high school and college connections.  The College and Career Readiness Work Group will meet again at the May Regents meeting.

That concludes my report.



                                                                                                  Anthony Bottar
