Meeting of the Board of Regents | January 2009
TO: |
Frank Muñoz
Master Plan Amendment: Maria College
December 23, 2008 |
Goal 2 |
Issue for Decision (Consent Agenda)
Should the Regents approve the proposed master plan amendment for Maria College to offer a nursing program leading to the Bachelor of Science degree?
Reason(s) for Consideration
Required by State Regulation.
Proposed Handling
This question will come before the Higher Education Committee at its January 2009 meeting where it will be voted on and action taken. It then will come before the full Board at its January 2009 meeting for final action.
Procedural History
Master plan amendment is required because this would be the first program at the baccalaureate level in the major mission area of the health professions at the College.
Background Information
The Maria College Board of Trustees adopted a resolution to amend the College’s plan to authorize instruction in nursing leading to the Bachelor of Science degree. The College currently offers associate degree programs in nursing, accounting, computer information systems, early childhood education, liberal arts, general studies, management, occupational therapy assistant, paralegal and research technologist. The proposed program is built upon the College’s offering instruction in Nursing for 40 years and its proven associate degree program in nursing. The program meets the standards for registration as set forth in the Regulations of the Commissioner of Education and will augment the supply of registered nurses educated at the baccalaureate level.
The College has offered a nursing program leading to the Associate in Applied Science degree since September 1968. The proposed program would be an upper-division bachelor’s degree completion program for registered nurses. The 60-credit program includes 30 credits in nursing course work, and 30 credits of arts and science course work. A total of 67 lower division credits will be accepted in transfer.
Applicants must be graduates of an accredited associate degree nursing program and be licensed and currently registered to practice professional nursing. Additionally, students must have achieved a cumulative grade point average (GPA) of 2.5, completed prerequisite course work and submit an autobiographical statement of educational and career goals. The College anticipates an enrollment of 20 students the first year of the program.
The nursing faculty for the proposed program consists of one part-time doctorally prepared registered nurse, one part-time master’s prepared registered nurse and one full-time doctorally prepared registered nurse who will serve as the Coordinator of the proposed program. The Coordinator will also have instructional responsibility. The non-nursing courses will be taught by existing faculty at the College.
There will not be any major facility needs to implement the proposed program. The College’s existing Nursing Laboratories have been updated with computerized mannequins and simulation equipment. The library resources at the College are adequate to support the proposed program.
A canvass was conducted of all institutions in the Central Region. Two responses were received. Ellis Hospital School of Nursing, which offers a nursing program leading to the Associate in Applied Science degree indicated support for the proposed program; however, the response also indicated concern regarding the availability of qualified faculty to provide instruction in the proposed program. The information submitted by Maria College indicates that the College has sufficient faculty to provide instruction for the projected enrollment of 20 students. Nursing faculty described previously, will consist of one part-time doctorally prepared faculty member, one part-time master’s prepared faculty member and a full-time doctorally prepared Coordinator who will also have instructional responsibility. Nursing faculty in the College’s existing associate degree program will also be available to provide instruction in the proposed program. The response from the Sage Colleges indicated some concern with possible duplication of academic programs within the same geographic region. The Sage Colleges, at the present time, is the only college that offers a licensure-qualifying baccalaureate nursing program in the Capital Region. The proposed program will increase availability to baccalaureate education for registered nurses who desire to further their education.
It is recommended that the Board of Regents approve the proposed master plan amendment of Maria College authorizing the College to offer the Bachelor of Science degree program in Nursing. This amendment would be effective until January 13, 2010 unless the Department registers the program prior to that date, in which case the master plan amendment shall be without term.