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Meeting of the Board of Regents | February 2008

Friday, February 1, 2008 - 11:05pm

sed seal                                                                                                 




signature of Johanna Duncan-Poitier


EMSC Committee


Johanna Duncan-Poitier




Five-Year State Plan for Career and Technical Education (Carl D. Perkins Career and Technical Education Improvement Act of 2006)



January 29, 2008


Goals 1 and 2






Issue for Decision


              Should the Board of Regents approve the five-year state plan for career and technical education as required under the federal Carl D. Perkins Career and Technical Education Improvement Act of 2006?


Reason(s) for Consideration


              Required by federal statue.


Proposed Handling


              This question will come before the Regents EMSC Committee for approval at the February 2008 meeting.


Procedural History


              In January, the Board of Regents approved the design for the five-year state plan and directed staff to complete the state plan for submission to the U.S. Department of Education as required under the federal Carl D. Perkins Career and Technical Education Improvement Act of 2006. Based upon this approval, Department staff completed the state plan.


Background Information


The Department must prepare and submit (by April 1, 2008) a five-year state plan for 2008-2013 to the U.S. Department of Education in order for New York State to continue to receive funding under the Carl D. Perkins Act Technical Education Improvement Act. The timing of the required submission of this plan coincides with the work already underway by the Regents and the State Education Department related to Career and Technical Education (CTE) in New York State.


The Office of Curriculum and Instructional Support and the Office of K-16 Initiatives and Access Programs in Higher Education co-administer Perkins funding and have collaborated in developing the five-year state plan.




That the Board of Regents approve the July 1, 2008 through June 30, 2013 career and technical education five-year state plan and direct staff to prepare the five-year state plan for submission to the U.S. Department of Education as required under the federal Carl D. Perkins Career and Technical Education Improvement Act of 2006.


Timetable for Implementation


Upon approval of the state plan by the Board of Regents, Department staff will prepare the five-year state plan and accompanying documents for submission to the U.S. Department of Education in April 2008. The five-year state plan will be in effect from July 1, 2008 through June 30, 2013.






Executive Summary


Draft New York State’s Carl D. Perkins Career and Technical Education Act of 2006 Five-Year State Plan

Attachment A

Executive Summary



Five-Year State Plan:

Expanding Student Access to Career and Technical Education



The Five-Year State Plan required by the Carl D. Perkins Career and Education Improvement Act of 2006 places emphasis on providing continuing Federal support for rigorous Career and Technical Education (CTE) programs that prepare students to achieve challenging academic and technical standards and be prepared for high-skill, high-wage, high-demand occupations. The Act provides an increased focus on the academic achievement of CTE students, improves state and local accountability, and strengthens the connections between secondary and postsecondary education.


The state plan for Career and Technical Education reflects the federal goals by building on previous policy decisions such as the CTE program approval process and the Regents 2008-09 State Aid and Budget proposals that will provide a clear and seamless path for students to pursue careers and life-long learning.


The New York State Five-Year Plan meets the five main federally requirements for state Perkins recipients as summarized below.


I. Planning, Coordination, and Collaboration Prior to Plan Submission  


Renewal of the legislation and a new five-year state plan provides New York State with an opportunity to continue upgrading the quality and effectiveness of CTE programs and to make them an integral part of the Regents P-16 reform strategy. The Five-Year Plan places special emphasis on how CTE can be used as a strategy in the P-16 efforts to close the achievement gap. Of the goals put forth in the P-16 agenda, CTE programs can contribute to improvements in:  high school attendance and graduation rates; successful transitions between secondary and postsecondary levels of education, and raising learning standards to exceed global standards.


Plan development was strengthened through early collaboration with other stakeholders. Over 130 individuals, many of them serving as representatives of organizations with extensive memberships, participated in the public comment process leading to the development of the State Plan. The following stakeholder groups attended or participated in the State Workforce Investment Board meeting and the Albany, Rochester, Buffalo and New York City public hearings or submitted comments in writing:


Academic teachers, faculty and administrators

Career and technical education teachers, faculty and administrators

Career guidance and academic counselors

Representatives of eligible secondary providers

Representatives of eligible postsecondary providers

Title II (formerly called Tech Prep) consortia representatives

Interested community members, including parents, students and community organizations

Representatives of business and industry

Representatives of labor organizations


Areas of emphasis, potential new directions and potential key initiatives for inclusion in the five-year state plan have been widely shared through the Department’s website and engagement with the public. Comments from constituent groups were generally positive towards the potential new directions and these comments have been incorporated into the plan.



II. Program Administration


One of the changes in the new Perkins legislation is the requirement that recipients implement “Programs of Study.” According to the legislation, the Programs of Study must:


  • incorporate secondary education and postsecondary education elements;
  • include coherent and rigorous content, aligned with challenging academic standards, and relevant career and technical content in a coordinated, non-duplicative progression of courses that align secondary education with postsecondary education to adequately prepare students to succeed in postsecondary education;
  • include articulation agreements between secondary and postsecondary programs—including the opportunity for secondary education students to participate in dual or concurrent enrollment programs or other ways to acquire postsecondary education credits; and
  • lead to an industry-recognized credential or certificate at the postsecondary level, or an associate or baccalaureate degree.


These components are already found in programs approved through the 2001 Regents Policy on CTE. To build upon that success, the State Education Department will concentrate on expanding the availability of Approved Programs across the State. New Initiatives will target local educational agencies that be may be eligible to receive Perkins funds directly, but have not applied for them. Incentivizing the program approval process creates the opportunity to improve the quality of CTE programs. In addition, resources under the state plan would be used to identify, validate and disseminate promising practices that positively impact student performance.



              New York’s plan includes changes in program administration and application procedures that better align local efforts with the federal criteria of:

  • promoting continuous improvement in academic achievement;
  • promoting continuous improvement of technical skill attainment; and
  • identifying and addressing current or emerging occupational opportunities.


The Department will continue its close working relationship with the New York State Department of Labor to provide secondary and postsecondary CTE programs with appropriate regional labor market and economic development information to use for program planning, design and development. A new and more demanding application design will require Perkins recipients to clearly connect funded programs with labor market data.


Additionally, Perkins resources would be used to create a new state initiative for the implementation of programs of study that are strongly linked to economic development and labor market projections. This effort would promote stronger linkages with regional economic development offices and Local Workforce Investment Boards.


Successful student transitions are also emphasized by the new Perkins legislation (i.e., transitions from secondary to postsecondary, and from two-year to four-year postsecondary institutions). Better transitions between learner levels are made possible by articulation agreements that chart a clear course to graduation and beyond. Title II consortia would be charged with increasing the number and quality of articulation agreements to be used by CTE programs at the LEAs.


To improve graduation path planning, (and successful transitions beyond high school) New York’s Perkins plan proposes two initiatives to increase awareness of the high-level academics and technical skills that CTE offers. First, a statewide information campaign would be developed and implemented to make students and parents more aware of the learning standards, rigorous CTE program content, and the opportunities available for secondary students to make transitions to postsecondary education with automatic admissions, advance standing and college credits. Second, a statewide professional development initiative directed to secondary school administrators and counselors would be supported to provide them with more complete and updated information about CTE opportunities (e.g., availability of college credit for high school study).


Strengthened teacher preparation and professional development are also emphasized in the new Act. A particular challenge for CTE programs in New York State is recruiting and retaining talented instructors, including those who could bring important skills and experiences from their careers in business and industry. Under the state plan, New York State would continue its support for a CTE resource center that offers training, information and technical assistance to CTE programs. In addition, resources would be used to expand the SUNY Universal Teacher Education Template to develop greater linkages of sub baccalaureate CTE programs with CTE teacher education programs, and to encourage students in CTE student leadership organizations to consider careers as CTE instructors.



III. Provision of Services for Special Populations      


The Perkins Act traditionally has encouraged states to use funding to improve the academic and technical skills of CTE students, particularly those who are members of special populations.   New York definitions of size and scope emphasize the degree to which programs serve special populations. Only programs serving a significant proportion of special populations are eligible to apply for Perkins funding. The plan includes a process for districts to use when they apply for funds but still need to increase the number of special population students served.


              The Plan includes a renewed commitment to collaboration with the Department of Labor and the CareerZone web tool for students. The plan also proposes joining forces of the SEDs Career Plan Initiative with the CareerZone, to provide outreach to target groups (e.g., students studying non-traditional occupations for their gender) to give students and their parents more options when considering graduation paths.



IV. Accountability and Evaluation


Section 113(b) (2) of the Perkins Act requires a State to develop valid and reliable core indicators of performance, to propose performance levels in its State plan. Accountability requirements also include the measurement of CTE students’ attainment of “challenging academic standards,” that the State adopted pursuant to section 1111(b) (3) of the ESEA. In developing the secondary CTE evaluation, the SED existing testing systems to collect data on academic performance was used.  Consequently, academic data collected are based on the use of the tests employed as a graduation requirement in New York State.  In addition, data on completion and follow-up are shared with other state agencies that annually report on workforce evaluation for New York State. 


States are also asked to articulate how data reporting adequately measures the progress of CTE students. New York’s data collection systems are in transition and the plan outlines how SED will continue to meet federal reporting requirements. Definitions of reporting elements remain largely the same as in Perkins III.




V. Perkins Title II


Formally called “Tech Prep” the Perkins Title II competitive grant program will be called “Perkins Title II.” The NYSED will award grants and/or contracts on a competitive basis to consortia. To ensure an equitable distribution between urban and rural areas, as required by federal law, the NYSED’s strategy is to have one or more consortia in each of the designated geographical areas in New York State. Based on the regions there will be a minimum of 14 consortia. These grants are contingent on meeting performance levels and satisfactory reporting as aligned with elements of the five-year plan for the years 2008-2013.


Each CTE Approved Program operates in concert with the consortia combining integrated academics and career and technical instruction for two years of secondary and two years of postsecondary education in a seamless curriculum. Each program must include an articulation agreement between at least one secondary and one postsecondary agency. Technical skills and core academic subjects are attained in a coherent sequence of courses that lead to technical skill proficiency, an industry-recognized credential, a certificate, or a degree, in a specific career field. The goal is to have each student in a CTE Approved Program that leads to placement in high-skill or high-wage employment, or to further education.

Training is provided to secondary and postsecondary faculty and administrators in instructional delivery, assessment, and all aspects of an industry. Training for counselors is designed to improve and strengthen career guidance skills and to help them stay current with employment trends, needs and expectations. The consortia will conduct training sessions for teachers and counselors to assist special population students to access traditional and nontraditional careers.


Programs provide preparatory services to potential Title II students usually through secondary guidance counselors who are the initial points of contact for eighth graders. The consortia coordinate all efforts with local and regional Perkins recipients.



VI. Financial Requirements


It is estimated that New York State will receive approximately $59.5 million in federal Carl D. Perkins Career and Technical Education Improvement Act funds annually for secondary and postsecondary programs. (Of the $27.2 million in Perkins funding allocated to secondary CTE, $17 million is allocated to the Big 5 cities and $10.2 million to the rest of the State.) Eighty-five percent is distributed by formula to eligible school districts, Boards of Cooperative Educational Services (BOCES) and postsecondary institutions. Fifteen percent is used for administration and statewide initiatives to support Career and Technical Education (CTE) program improvements. These monies support activities for more than 201,000 secondary and 268,000 postsecondary and adult students.



Total Title I Allocation to the State                                                                  $ 59,567,164



Available for formula allocations                                                                             $ 52,410,448

a. Secondary Programs                                                                               $ 27,253,433

   b. Postsecondary Programs                                                                      $ 25,157,015


State Leadership (not more than 10%)                                                                $ 5,211,045

              1. Nontraditional Training and Employment                                         $ 150,000

              2. Corrections or Institutions                                                                      $ 595,671


State Administration (not more than 5%)                                               $ 1,200,000


State Match (from non-federal funds)                                                                   $ 1,200,000


Total Title II Allocation to the State                                                            $ 5,242,846


              Tech-Prep Funds Earmarked for Consortia                                        $5,092,846

              Program Administration                                                                               $150,000












The Act defines special populations as: individuals with disabilities, individuals from economically disadvantaged families, including foster children; individuals preparing for non-traditional fields, single parents, including single pregnant women; displaced homemakers; and individuals with limited English proficiency.



The eligible agency must provide non-federal funds for state administration of its Title I grant in an amount not less than the amount it provided in the preceding year. 

