Meeting of the Board of Regents | June 2006
Elementary, Middle, Secondary and Continuing Education/Vocational Education Services for Individuals with Disabilities (EMSC/VESID)

Monitoring of Nondistrict Programs (including New York State Schools at Rome and Batavia) and the Impact of Billy's Law; and, Building In-state Capacity to Service Students with Disabilities at Risk of Out-of-State Placement

Emergency Adoption of Proposed Regulations relating to Behavioral Interventions, Including the Use of Aversive Behavioral Interventions

2004-05 Annual Report on the Status of Charter Schools in New York State

Family Partnerships Policy

Regents Policy on Career and Technical Education

Destination Diploma IV Forum

Implementation of the Regents Three-Model Strategy on Middle-Level Education

Charter Schools: Issuance of Renewal Charter

Charter School Revision

Proposed Amendment to the Regulations of the Commissioner Relating to the Uniform Violent and Disruptive Incident Reporting System

Statewide Compliance with the Uniform Violent Incident Reporting System and Criteria for Designation of Persistently Dangerous Schools
Last update