Meeting of the Board of Regents | September 2003
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Center for Policy Research · Rockefeller College · University at Albany · 135 Western Avenue
Albany, NY 12222 · (518) 442-3862 · ·
The Education Finance Research Consortium and
The New York State Board of Regents present:
Two Reports on the Condition of New York Schools
Friday, May September 26, 2003
8:30 AM � 12:30 PM
The State Museum Theater
Albany, NY
"Test Score Gaps in New York State Schools: What do 4th and 8th Grade Results Show?"
Amy Ellen Schwartz and Leanna Stiefel (New York University) with Colin Chellman (New York University)
Examines the test score gaps in 4th and 8th grades by race/ethnicity, income, and gender for all schools in New York State in 2000-2001. Includes analyses of:
- Magnitude and distribution of gaps
- Characteristics of schools that beat the odds by "reversing" or eliminating the gaps
- Relationships between size of gaps and school and district characteristics
"The Implementation of Academic Intervention Services (AIS) in NYS: Implications for School Organization and Instruction"
Kieran M. Killeen (University of Vermont) and John Sipple (Cornell University)
Describes the structural elements and instructional practices related to AIS programs:
- Identifies AIS program characteristics, both structural and instructional, as they have been implemented across NYS middle and high schools
- Compares AIS staffing patterns with general NYS teacher staffing patterns
- Classifies AIS program characteristics and staffing by wealth, geographic location and school performance
There is no cost to attend the forum, however pre-registration is requested. Send completed forms to: EFRC, Center for Policy Research, Milne 300, University at Albany, Albany, NY 12222, to:; or by fax to: (518) 442-3398. Please include an email address if you would like confirmation of your registration. Check-in on September 26 begins at 8:15am. Thank you.
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