Professional Practice
Report of Regents Professional Practice Committee to The Board of Regents
Your Professional Practice Committee held its scheduled meeting on February 11, 2020. All members were present except Regent Susan W. Mittler. Chancellor Betty A. Rosa and Regent Cashin were also present but did not vote on any case or action.
Professional Discipline Cases
Report of Regents Professional Practice Committee to The Board of Regents
Your Professional Practice Committee held its scheduled meeting on January 14, 2020. All members were present except Regent Cea. Chancellor Betty A. Rosa and Regent Cashin were also present but did not vote on any case or action.
Professional Discipline Cases
Report of Regents Professional Practice Committee to The Board of Regents
Your Professional Practice Committee held its scheduled meeting on December 10, 2019. All members were present. Chancellor Betty A. Rosa and Regent Cashin were also present but did not vote on any case or action.
Professional Discipline Cases
Your Committee recommends, upon the recommendation of the Committee on the Professions, that 38 consent order applications and 6 surrender applications be granted.
Report of Regents Professional Practice Committee to The Board of Regents
Your Professional Practice Committee held its scheduled meeting on November 4, 2019. All members were present. Chancellor Betty A. Rosa was also present but did not vote on any case or action.
Professional Discipline Cases
Report of Regents Professional Practice Committee to The Board of Regents
Your Professional Practice Committee held its scheduled meeting on October 8, 2019. All members were present. Chancellor Betty A. Rosa and Regent Kathleen M. Cashin were also present, but did not vote on any case or action.
Professional Discipline Cases
Report of Regents Professional Practice Committee to The Board of Regents
Your Professional Practice Committee held its scheduled meeting on September 10, 2019. All members were present. Chancellor Betty A. Rosa and Regent Kathleen M. Cashin were also present but did not vote on any case or action.
Professional Discipline Cases
Report of Regents Professional Practice Executive Session Committee to The Board of Regents
Your Professional Practice Committee held its scheduled meeting on July 15, 2019. All members were present. Chancellor Betty A. Rosa was also present but did not vote on any case or action.
Professional Discipline Cases
Report of Regents Professional Practice Committee to The Board of Regents
Your Professional Practice Committee held its scheduled meeting on June 4, 2019. All members were present. Regent Kathleen M. Cashin was also present but did not vote on any case or action.
Professional Discipline Cases