Higher Education
Report of Regents P-12 Education/Higher Education Joint Meeting Committee to The Board of Regents
Items not requiring action:
Report of Regents P-12 Education/Higher Education Joint Meeting Committee to The Board of Regents
Your P-12 Education Committee and Higher Education Committee held a joint meeting on May 18, 2015
Action Item
Report of Regents Higher Education Committee to The Board of Regents
Your Higher Education Committee held its scheduled meeting on May 18, 2015.
Action Items
Report of Regents P-12 Education/Higher Education Joint Meeting Committee to The Board of Regents
Your P-12 Education Committee and Higher Education Committee held a joint meeting on April 14, 2015.
Items not requiring action:
New York State’s Updated Equity Plan. Your Committees received an update on the U.S. Department of Education’s requirements and the State’s approach to ensuring more equitable access to effective educators for all students.
Report of Regents Higher Education Committee to The Board of Regents
Your Higher Education Committee held its scheduled meeting on April 14, 2015
Items not requiring action:
Report of Regents P-12 Education/Higher Education Joint Meeting Committee to The Board of Regents
Your P-12 Education Committee and Higher Education Committee held a joint meeting on March 16, 2015
Items not requiring action:
Professional Development. Your Committees heard a presentation on critical professional development and teacher and leader support. Staff talked about two areas where the Race to the Top funding investment has proven to be extremely valuable in advancing the Board’s priorities:
Report of Regents Higher Education Committee to The Board of Regents
Your Higher Education Committee held its scheduled meeting on March 17, 2015
Action Items
Report of Regents Higher Education Committee to The Board of Regents
Your Higher Education Committee held its scheduled meeting on January 15, 2013.
Action Items
Action on Proposed Amendments to the Regulations of the Commissioner of Education Relating to Renewals of Provisional Certificates and Reissuances of Initial Certificates. Your Committee approved amendments to sections 80-1.7 and 80-1.8 of the Regulations of the Commissioner of Education related to renewals of provisional certificates and reissuances of initial certificates. This amendment will become effective January 30, 2013.
Report of Regents Higher Education Committee to The Board of Regents
Your Higher Education Committee held its scheduled meeting on February 12, 2013.
Action Items
The 2012-2020 Statewide Plan for Higher Education. Your Committee reviewed the final draft of the Statewide Plan for Higher Education. Staff provided a summary of the key points of the two public hearings held, the comments received from the Board, and the additions and/or changes made as a result of this input. Your Committee recommends the Board approve the 2012-2020 Statewide Plan for Higher Education.
Report of Regents Higher Education Committee to The Board of Regents
Your Higher Education Committee held its scheduled meeting on March 11, 2013.
Panel on On-Line Learning in Higher Education. Your Committee held a discussion related to on-line learning. Topics included national trends in on-line learning, including Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs), how NY-based colleges are responding to the expansion of on-line learning (how are assessments being made, how are faculty being trained), and an example of what kinds of partnerships higher education institutions are exploring to incorporate on-line learning into their programs.
Report of Regents P-12 Education/Higher Education Joint Meeting Committee to The Board of Regents
Your P-12 Education Committee and Higher Education Committee held a joint meeting on April 22, 2013. All members were present, except for Vice Chancellor Bottar who was excused.